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About Us!

In May of 2004, The Group was founded.

It started as a role-play of a small mercenary group full of demi-humans and shifters. Over the years the concept grew and evolved that they played a  guardian role in the world they and other clans role-played in.

Outside of their characters and the role-plays themselves, the group evolved taking on an actual role in the development of the forum they role-played in and the community that brought it to life.

The Storytellers dedicated themselves not only to each other and the bonds they grew between one another, but to the over all goal and mission of the group.

Thus our slogan was born: Always United ~ Never Divided

Moving forward they wanted their clan to stand for more than just a mercenary group role-play. Adopting a family structure, the clan pledge to always be a family and a home for its members now and in the future. They created a code of conduct to be followed among themselves, and how they treated others. Putting emphasis on Honor, Loyalty, Trustworthiness, Kindness, and Family.
This started the era of a family and home for all that wandered. 

To keep to their roots, the storytellers continue to develop their role-plays and their skills as writers. Slowly they started to branch out from writing role-plays that just focused around the groups original concept. They would write one off stories, event role-plays, and stand alone worlds. Eventually it grew to the point that others enlisted their help in writing new role-plays.

Moving forward to June 18, 2017

The Storytellers broke away from their original home and made the big move to Discord.  This was a huge step for the group, taking almost the full first year to figure out how they wanted to move forward before opening their doors to the public.

Over the years they have worked diligently to keep to their core, while also building a space that combines their old play by post forum style role-playing with the culture of discord role-playing. It has been a labor of love, filled with trials and errors.

To date, they have created a server that focuses on quality over quantity in both aspect of members and the role-plays available on the server.

We still strive to build a community that is focused on forming life long friendships and maintaining an active tightly knit base. While also maintaining and creating server ran group role-plays, along with having an open space for our members to build their own.

As of June 18, 2022

The Storytellers have successfully spent the last seven years on discord.  We have spent that time honing the craft of running a well maintained and organized server. Don't let our small size fool you! We only keep those members who actively engage in the community in one way or another.

In the year 2022, we took the time to get re-in-touched with our founding roots, and use that new sense of strength to build our future. On this mission we have brought back the original world this group grew up roleplaying in, Cityscape. While also keeping a discord forum open for our members to continue to build their own worlds in.

Are goals over all stay the same, we hope to attract lots of inspired writers who enjoy the craft of putting together creative and well written responses. 

With a little luck, and some word of mouth, hopefully recapture our name as a group that Excels at role-playing. That people look forward to the stories we create, jumping at the chance to join in.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in - this is your open invitation to join!

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All image compositions on this website were made using art and designs from FreePik

All maps were made using Inkarnate

We are in no way affiliated with discord, freepik or inkarnate, we just use their services.

All written works posted on this website are the intellectual property of The Storytellers and/or its members, You may not use and/or copy with out their explicit consent.

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