Now, after several years as a public server on Discord. We have a pretty good idea what newcomers frequently ask us when they join. Most questions pertain to our role-plays and how we role-play. So in this FQA we'll be covering some of those, all in hopes to save us all a bit of time.
So, we kindly ask before you ask us any questions, please look over this blog first.
Thanks so much in advance! <3 1). Is there a limit to the number of characters I can create or write with?
You are welcome to create and write with as many characters as you can handle/ juggle. With Each character for Cityscape or The Garden needing staff approval.
This privilege will be lost if you are found neglecting roleplays you have characters in.
2). Am I allowed to make characters connected/ in on the the known groups listed in the role-plays?
Yes, and that will be sorted during the character building and story boarding process of approving your characters.
3). What are you standards for posts?
- Post must be at least five (5) full sentences long, and role-players need to be able to write without hand holding and be literate.
- That means a role-player needs to use grammar and correct spelling when making their posts. ( or at least their best attempt. Please capitalize the beginnings of sentences and use periods at the end of sentences. )
- They need to be able to follow along in a role-play and not ignore things.
- They need to be able to story build with others, and not write themselves into corners. It is not the job of everyone else in the role-play to chase after your character, and include them. You'll need to work with the established role-players to work your character in.
- No kneecapping post - finish at least 1 action per post!
4). How quickly do you all role-play?
Some role-players might respond faster than others, but in Cityscape, we ask that everyone try to make at least one post per character every seven (7) days. When it comes to member ran roleplays in our writers room forum. The speed in which those Role-plays moves is determined by the person who set up and runs the roleplay. 5). How are you role-plays set up and how do I join a roleplay?
All our Roleplays, be them in Cityscape or the Writers room are set up in forums. Each Forum post is its own RP. More details are explained during the vetting process.
6). Can I build and host my own Role-play on this server?
Yes, and that will all be explained during/after the vetting process. 7). Can I post "looking for Ad" For Roleplays in Dm or off server? No, that would defeat the purpose of what we're trying to build here. Which is to build an active space and community that role-plays together here, on the server. The writers room is a forum that holds space to play host to any kind of RP a person can think of. group, small group, or 1v1. There is Zero reason to take RP off server. Doing so is a ban able offense. 8). What happens if I need to take a break, or something happens IRL that means I won't be able to get online?
All you need to do is tell a member of staff, and let your fellow role-players know.
We will then place you on leave ( giving you the On leave role ) and a member of staff or fellow role-player will take over your character/s and write them into a situation where they currently don't need you to reply.
Example being: They went to bed, Or they followed along quietly. And they'll stay that way until you return. Once you are able to return, staff and the other role-players in the Role-play will help you get back into the story, like when you first story boarded.
9). The monthly purge - What's that?
As a community that advertises that it is an active, close knit community that vets and ensures all its members are of quality. This doesn't just cover their ability to write and create characters and worlds. But their ability to be active, and respectful of their fellow members time, and dedication to the hobby.
Our community culture centers around the fact that everyone here strives for excellence in one fashion or another. If that's through their dedication to writing amazing posts in a timely and consistent fashion. Clear open communication, and collaboration. To just being a team player, active on the server, supporting their fellow server mates. Being part of the solution, not the problem.
Those of us here are working towards building something amazing, there is a lot of love, time and dedication poured into this place.
And as we respect that, and ourselves, we expected everyone here to do so too.
Farther, we look at it this way.
If you joined a DnD table, and they required you to come to game every Saturday and you routinely blew them off for no real reason, or no word, you would be kicked from the table.
If you joined a sports team, and they required X number of practices to be attended, and X number of games that you showed up to stay on the team. You would have to abide by those requirements.
It is no different here
Thus the Purge works as followed:
Checked 5 days out from each purge date ( 1st and 15th of every month). Staff goes down the members lists to check to see who has the active or on leave roles.
For those who do not have the role, Staff counts to see how many messages they are away from 25.
Staff will then make an announcement in which they pinging each member who is on the purge list, how many messages they need to be safe, and if they are subject to straight purge, or loss of IC privileges.
This way each member knows what they have to do to be safe, and what will happen if they don't. 10). Why do you all insist on the vetting process? That is pretty much explained in point 9. 11). Can I ever use my old characters?
Yes, Either by making a RP for them in the writers room. Or later down the road after you've vetted, and spent sometime RPing here. If you want to port an old character into our multiverse, and we feel you understand the way we RP here. We can make that happen. 12). I don't understand the forums, help?!
To start off with: For those who did not grow up with and find forums a bit intimidating. We suggest you look at them this way.
Post in a forum are equal to discord channels in a category.
Forums are just set up in a way that allows server owners/staff the ability to allow members to create posts, and not risk those members destroying everything else.
It gives you all freedom to do and create spaces for anything and everything, with very little risk taken on the side of server administration.
With that said, The StoryTellers utilize forums ALOT on the server. We want everyone to have as much freedom as possible to bring their own touch to the server. A piece of ownership. 13). What are the various ranked roles on the server - What do they stand for?
New members: Those who have joined and completed the onboarding process.
Established members: Those who have made min. 75 posts on the server and tatsu has ranked them up. These members, if within their first week on the server may start their vetting process.
Active Supporters: These members are so active on the server they have sent 1000 messages or more on the server in the last 30 days
Nitro Supporters ( have the pink crystal ): Are members who were kind enough to nitro boost the server.
Unactive Vetted Roleplayers: Are members who have completed vetting, but are not actively posting in a RP currently. ( or just haven't made their first post ) All vetted Rpers who do not join a RP in a months time, WILL LOSE their RP privileges until they decide they can actually commit. Which at that point, they may request their perms reinstated.
Active Vetted Roleplayers: Are our members who have vetted and are actively posting in at least one RP.
Trusted Roleplayers: Are members who have met the requirements to earn special perks. These members are active, loyal, great writers. You can count on them to RP and RP amazingly!
Staff, Welcome Crew and Admin: Are all members of the staff team here that run this place. 14). Why do you all require such an extensive vetting process? again this was explain in point 9. 15). Why is it required for us to start off in Cityscape? Instead of just showing our skills as a writer and character creator and be allowed to just jump right into the Writers room?
We use to let people just vet straight into The Writers Room, but we saw a serious gap in people who vetted vs those who actually joined/started a RP. Along with a gap of people who would follow through to joining a RP, but not with sticking around. Which lead to RP deaths and complications.
By requiring everyone to invest in our themed RP area. One that is vastly open and gives lots of room for creative freedom. We have seen much large success in roleplayer retention and higher over all success of all the roleplays across the board. (Cityscape and The Writers Room).
This also helps sus out those roleplayers who only want to do what they want, and aren't actually here to collaborate.
And in ensures that stories that our players here have worked hard on, and put lots of time in, really get to come to life.
It has all around created a happier, more stable community.
Not to mention, all those stand alone stories you're dying to get out and do. You'll have more success with, once you make friends here and rp with everyone a little. They'll in return want to invest in you, like you invested in here. Matching energies my friends.