1). No Meta gaming:
Metagaming is when your Character using Out of character information while in character during the Role-Play.
e.g. You Read “bob’s” Character Bio, So you know that Bob’s character has the ability to make it rain. Your character has no way of knowing this but you use this information anyways.
2). No God-modding:
- When your characters Acts like a God, as in nothing hurts or harms them. When they are too overpowering.
- Controlling another person’s character/s without their permission.
(The Only time when God-Modding is Okay, If it is approved by the RP creator and/or other parties involved)
3). NSFW Material:
All explicit NSFW material outside of our Mature Content Role-play area, must fade to black.
Only members who have verified their age may engage in characters or plot lines that have explicit (Dark themes, Violent material or gore ) Or Spicy content (NSFW Sexual themes)
Such material is only allowed in our Mature content role-play, and all parties involved must agree to such themes before hand. Even then, post containing such material must be TW and under spoiler tags.
- This is included in CHARACTER SHEETS
4). Inactive Players and Inactive Hosts:
In the Event your roleplay experiences inactive Player/s of 7 full days or 2 days past the specific role-play's activity requirements since the last time they could post. The role-play creator is allowed to control their character, or events surrounding their character to keep the role-play going.
We do ask that you please mention the inactive player on the day before you plan to move forward, and give them a chance to respond before this is done.
In the event a Roleplay host goes inactive over 2 weeks, Staff will ping them and ask for an ETA of their next post.
If the host is still inactive for another 2 weeks, the roleplay will either be turned over to another member to host, or it will be closed.
If it is found that a member goes inactive, or abandons 3 roleplays, part or all of their roleplay privileges will be subject to be revoked.
standard punishment is 2 months.
5). No IC flooding:
IC ( In Character ) Flooding, is when you and another person write a bunch of responses moving the story and/or plot to far forward without allowing others to respond and contribute.
This is kind of a common sense rule, where there are times when it needs to happen, and times when it doesn't.
Its best to keep open communication with everyone you are RPing with, to make sure you don't run away with the story.
( and vice versa, if atm you feel like your character has nothing to add, and you're waiting for others to finish a scene. Speak up, )
6). A.I. Generated content:
No A.I. generated written pieces. This is a RP server after all, and we expect people to write their own RP posts and settings. Name Generators are fine, and A.I generated Art is allowed only in character sheets. ( just don't pass A.I generated content as your own. And if you use specific art from an artist, as inspiration for the AI art, list them )

1). Post Standards:
- All post must be of literate ( good spelling and grammar ) and paragraph level.
- Post must be done in third person, past tense style
- Post must be a minimal of 1 paragraph - Paragraph = 5 full sentences.
A full sentence is on average seven words
- we prefer post to be an average of three paragraphs.
2). Post Must Include:
+ Reaction to the the previous post directed at them, and the things going on around their character.
Make sure you react to everything, no walking into a room full of people and ignoring their existence.
+ provide material to build the story and move the plot along.
+ Post need to have detail. - things to consider to add detail to a post.
- How your character reacts to the setting they are in.
- describing their senses
- Their emotional state, or inner monologue
3). Stream line your post:
Unless the story calls for a reason that an action needs to be broken down into multiple posts.
Or an action needs a reaction or commentary for other players involved.
Finish an action per post.
4). Solo Posts:
Be willing to make solo posts ( post that do not need interaction for others ) to progress your characters person story, or the role-play's plot along.
5). Character Creations:
Be prepared to write new characters to fit the specifics of the RP world you will be role-playing in.
Make sure they fit into the world and have a reason to be there, and their own story for you to write. ( don't become an NPC )
Characters need to be believable, and realistic in perspective to the world they are written for. All Characters must be 18+ years old. You will not be allowed to play minor characters. Anthro Characters will only be allowed for certain circumstances. Do not try to pass off Fandom characters into non fandom RP. Or old characters into a New RP without first discussing it with the RP creator. - All characters for server ran Roleplays and roleplay forums will need to be approved by Staff. Unless a member has been award the Accomplished Roleplayer Role. This is award when all of staff agrees that a member is a strong enough writer, and they understand the server ran RP areas well enough, that we don't need to look through their characters before hand. This privilege can be lost if:
1). When asked to tweak something because it is world breaking or conflicts with someone too much, they refuse.
2). they are found neglecting roleplays they are apart of or have started.
6). Role-player's OOC behavior/ Posting Etiquette:
- We expect all role-players to be up for and willing to discuss story ideas among themselves and especially new players.
This way everyone has input on the story and plot and everyone is included and invested
- We expect people to give an ETA or a heads up if they will not be able to make their posts for the week. - When making a post, you mention everyone that post does, and could affect. BUT also having the common sense not to ping during times when people could be sleeping.
- All OOC discussion needs to be held in the appropriate OOC post.

- No text talk ( unless its to show what an actual text says , IF the world you are RPing in has such technology.
- Do not write yourself into corners and expect others to bail you out, or chase your character down.
- Do not follow the RP staff around in the RP, expecting them to create story for your character.
- Do not repeat the vary same action as those around you. IE: "Jumping on the band wagon" IE: If person B goes to check on Person A,.. Person C should do something else.
- Do not try to pass off an existing character or fursona as a new character written for a specific idea.
Do not write a fursona for a character - they will be denied.
( Demi Humans, Weres, and Shifters usually will be accepted. )
- Do not go weeks with out posting
Sticking to our activity rules.
If a role-player goes two weeks without making a post, and is not on leave. Or doesn't gives reason as to why they can't make their post. They will be written out of the role-play.
It is unfair to others to be ignored and ghosted when a commitment to write a story is made.
If this happens three times. the person will have their role-play privileges revoked on the server.
- Do not use The Storytellers' server to post "looking for" ads, for role-plays you do not plan to create and maintain on the server.
The Storytellers' is here to build a community that role-plays together and builds an active, closely knit community. This is not an ads site, looking for site.
Do such things on the server is considered rude.