1). Be a good citizen on the Server.
This means several things. To be kind and extend common curtsy. Respect peoples space, and wishes. ( if someone tells you to not do something pertaining to them, don't do it) No Harassing! No trolling!
Do not make attacks against other members. Challenging arguments and ideas is fine, but not attacking the people holding them. This includes attacks on an individual member, or groups. This also includes racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic, and religious bashing posts will not be tolerated.
Lastly your post should contribute to the Channel or Discussion they are in.
If the comments are far too off base, the staff of the server has the right to remove them.
This includes not mentioning a person in such a way that offends or annoys said 2). Respect the privacy of your fellow members.
Do not post emails or private messages without explicit written permission of all those involved. Do not use any posts or part of posts from this server and its channels for commercial purposes without the express permission of each person involved
3). Server is 18+:
As stated on our website and other pages. The Storytellers' server is Age 18+
Even though Discord is a 13+ service, as an older community we have reserved the right to only allow adults in our space. Even tho the server is 18+, the main areas on the server have a rating of pg13+ This rating level includes the following allowed content. PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned, Some Material May Be Inappropriate for Children Under 13. This rating is a stronger caution for parents that the contents included may not be appropriate for children under 13 (pre-teen ages). This may include stronger language, extended violence or sexual situations and drug-use) What does that mean: In short, We will not be telling people to stop conversations because something they said might be a little sexual charged. Or they made a tasteful dirty joke. Or mentioned having a beer. Like before gory content is allowed as long as it has been spoiler tags with a TW: added. This also means all our Role-plays will be allowed to have the above themes. And always, there is of course the Adult Lounge for all those who are willing to verify their age, and have a space they can talk more openly in. What this DOESN'T mean, Our server is not ERP or Smut focused in the slightest. So we will not tolerate overly sexual PFPs, member profiles, or people coming to the server specifically looking for such adult content. Do not solicit ERP in DM/s with members who do not have the adult role. Or have not expressed consent to such topics ahead of time ON SERVER. Do Not solicit Adult 18+ topics of conversation in DM/s with members who do not have the Adult Role, or have not expressed consent to discuss such topics ahead of time ON SERVER 4). Do not post anything illegal
Under (Insert your country’s name) law, or encourage others to break the laws of their country of residence. Do not use The Storytellers' Discord Server to perform any illegal activity.
( Also As the Server is Owned and Ran Out of Missouri USA, We do default to our laws on Certain things. )
5). DO NOT attempt to moderate other members
(i.e. tell them how to behave on the Server).
Leave the moderating to the discord Server/channel staff and hosts.
If you believe a Server post violates the rules in a major way, you may bring that post to the attention of the server/channel staff by reporting that message by mentioning a staff member. You can bring non-server / Channel problems to the attention of staff by private messaging a staff member via their profile.
And DO NOT argue with, comment on, complain about, criticize, or otherwise discuss staff decisions on rule issues in public in community areas.
If you think a decision that directly affects you is incorrect, you may make an appeal in private.
6). Follow All Category and Channel Rules:
Each Category will have its own set of additional rules, and Guidelines. Please follow them at all times when in that category.
This also pertains to specific Channel Rules. ( which will post posted in both the Channel’s description, and as a pinned post )
Please Follow them at all times when in that Channel. 7). No talking politics. This is not the place to talk or debate politics. The Storytellers' is suppose to be an escape from the craziness of the world. So please do not bring your shitty opinions into the space. I nor anyone else cares to hear what you think about whatever. 8). Respect others space: - Respect others wishes to not engage in a particular topic and activity going on. (This includes in DM/s) - Respect other's space when it comes to silly chat role-play ( referring to the light system) and their ability to not engage in specific kinds of chat role-play. When vocalizing boundaries, members should do so with kindness. Establishing boundaries does not give a person the right to be a jerk. 9). Do not use the server for trauma dumping. The server and its community is not there for you to dump all your unresolved issues and happenings on. Do not come into gen chat and start venting about whatever. It will be deleted. If you need a space to vent and seek advice. we have various seeking advice and venting threads in our Assorted Topics forum. Before even getting into the nitty gritty of whats going on, you need to first state if you are just looking to vent, or if you are looking for advice/ or a solution. If in the event, a member is found to only be posting in Slice of life, and using the server/ community as its personal support group. And not contributing anything else to the community. They will be kicked. 10) Advertising: All members who have reached the normal member rank are welcome to advertise in our Assorted Topics Forum. You can advertise other non-roleplay discord servers, twitch channels, Youtube channels, artwork pages, and social media, if it is about something you or someone you know is selling something or anything else that is in similar spirit. You can not post "looking for" ads on the server. Do not ask people on the server to RP in Dm/s, Or ask members to join other discord servers in dm/s. We're a roleplay community, not a hub. It would defeat the purpose of the server. All rules are subject to change
At any moment per the decision of the server owner, and Server Staff. If you feel that it is wrong, you are welcome to Private message any member of server staff. They will get back to you with their final decision in time ( please remember they have lives outside of the server. )
This includes kicking or Banning people as they see fit.

Here are a few guidelines to help make your experience on the board that much more enjoyable
1). When posting, be polite and courteous.
Please make an attempt to use basic proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar, because they all aid in communication. If you are planning to make a post that’s difficult to fully articulate from a mobile device, consider waiting until you have access to a full keyboard. When it comes to profanity, it’s okay to use, but use it wisely.
2). The Storytellers' is privately own
And thus the group is privately run by a team of dedicated people, but public facing. So it is filled with many different people from all over and from all different situations in life. Remember that your audience is highly diverse and do not universally share your beliefs, values or context. Do not post under the assumption you’ll be automatically understood. 3). Don't Channel-jack.
Derailing a channel's conversation is a good way to annoy the Channel's creator and everyone else involved in the conversation. If you absolutely need to discuss something else, find an appropriate channel for your topic or request the start of a new channel.
4). Don't Channel-crap.
If you wish to correct what you see as an error or fallacy in the initial post of a Channel, that's fine, ( we ask that if you bring it up publicly in the channel. To do so politely. No name calling or trollish behavior.). If you have a problem with the basic premise of a discussion such that you wish it weren't taking place at all, ignore it. Don't tell everyone in the channel they're wasting their time discussing the topic, because if they agreed with you, they wouldn't be discussing the topic.
5). Think before you post.
It can sometimes be hard to determine where acceptable conversation ends and attacks or other rule violations begin, especially in the heat of a debate. If you are unsure whether a post might cross the line, feel free to DM a member of staff for advice — especially before making a post you might regret later. This should go without saying but, read before you post. If you don’t have time to at least skim a channel for instructions and repeated arguments, you don’t have time to post in it!

1). The Purge
As a tightly knit community, we do not keep lurkers here.
We reserve the right to kick all inactive members.
We define an Inactive member as someone who doesn't fit one of the following criteria.
- Weekly activity in at least one RP
- 50 non RP post spread out over the course of each month
No, non activity over 14 day span. ( checked 1st and 16th of each month )
Non RP posts look like, Chatting in Gen Chat, posting in Assorted topics posts, Post in General Gaming Posts. Participating in Server events.
We are not heartless, If something comes up in real life, we do have an ON LEAVE role for those who need to be excused due to reasons out of their control.
Examples being: A change in Military duty, Death of a loved one, Birth of A Child. Natural Disaster, sudden change in living situation.
Things to note about the purge.
- No new members will be granted On leave status.
If something comes up that you know will remove your ability to be an active member to the community. You'll be kicked and left with an invite to return.
( with no penalty )
- No member will be allowed to stay on the On leave status past two months.
Outside of situations the admins deem otherwise.
Such things would be like Active military service, the birth of a child, extreme Illness.
- If we find that... all if not most of a member's post fit the criteria of trauma dumping, look at me material, or are a single hi post with out actually follow up conversation.
That member will still be purged.
- We will purge... all new members who join and never onboard or say anything on the server in the first 24hrs.
- We will purge... all new members who join and ghost after 72hrs.
Purge Penalties:
Actions taken if a kicked member returns:
1st Inactive kick - Person will lose RP privileges 60 days upon return to the community.
2nd Inactive kick - RP privileges lost permanently
3rd inactive kick, Ban from community.
2). Role-playing area.
- The role-play area only opens up once a member has passed the role-play Vetting and has reached normal member rank
- The Role-players vetting process consists of the following, and must be completed in the given time frame. Which starts the moment a person expresses the want to go through with the process.
Vetting Process:
- Must be completed in a weeks time. 3 days to submit the items we ask for. 2 days for staff to review, 3 days to get any edits or additional information staff ask for. Most roleplays go from brainstorming/interest check to active RP in the matter of a week. And since most Roleplays require weekly post. This is our reason behind why the vetting process needs to be completed in a weeks time. - Requested Items for Vetting: 1 (one) Character sheet 1 (one) Sample of writing in the form of a Roleplay reply/post Preferably previously written. Preferably submitted in the form of a google doc, or Refsheet https://refsheet.net/ If you prefer to write something new for the server specifically, we will provide a RP and prompt for you to use.
- This section has its own set of rules, including a bare min of 1 post per week or 1 post per the activity requirements of the specific RP, in each role-play a person joins.
- inactive role-players who break the activity requirements of each RP they are in enough times to be kicked out of 3 role-plays will be kicked from the role-play section.
- This is NOT a Furry, Fandom or DnD ( Table top ) Server, fursonas, Fandom, or Table top written characters will not be accepted characters or be allowed to be used during the vetting process.
3). Limited perms for new members
Please be advise that new members have limited perms. So you won't be able to post links, pics, embeds. use off server emotes or stickers. Post multiple capitalized words, or more than 3 emojis ( at a time or in a row ), or start threads at this time. Or Dyno bot will yell at you - This changes once you rank up to normal member. which is done through tatsu bot. you get 10-20 points per message, and once you reach 600 points it gives you normal member role automatically
4). Regarding Special made Emojis and Roles:
Special made emojis and roles are given as prizes during activities or award situations. They can Also be purchased in our Tatsu server store as a reward for activity supporting the server. Or Earned by nitro boosting the server.
Rewards will be lost when a member loses the statues in which they got the reward. It will be lost if they can No longer pay to renew through tatsu store, or the reward role changes hands per rules of the event in which it was won.
5) Nitro and Active supporters:
Both get the Following rewards Automatically.
- Respective support sever roles, and listed as supporters on the website and social media pages.
Nitro Supporters: Get the option of adding an emote to the server ( animated or not) and having a custom role with a custom color. ( added pic to role if the server is at level 2 boost )
Active Supporters: May buy the ability to add 1 (one) Emote to the server ( animated or not ) and 1 (one) custom role with a custom color.
( these are perks bought through the Server shop, through tatsu. Currency used to buy said perks is Server loyalty points. Loyalty Points are automatically rewarded for each message sent on the server through the power of tatsu bot.
These rewards last only 1 month, and will have to be renewed with another payment of loyalty points.
As a note: Nitro and Active supporters are not above the rules of the server and will be required to follow all server rules like anyone else. Anyone who is a nitro supporter or active supporter behaving in a manner as if they are above the rules will lose all additional perks and put on probation.

Here is a quick run through as to what will happen if you decide to be a constant Rule breaker. Members of staff will utilize the mute function when needed to gain control over a situation as they see fit. All members will get at least one friendly reminder about the rules, before official rule breaks are given. Repeated Broken rules 1st offense - 24 hour suspension 2nd Offense - 1 week suspension 3rd Offense - 1 month suspension 4th offense - 6 months suspension 5th offense - Ban until farther notice